Hello, We are moving from a Sun SPARC Solaris environment to SuSE SLES 8 for AMD64 on Opteron processors. On Solaris we were able to use the "-Djava.ast.headless=true" to eliminate the need for an X server so our Tomcat servlet engine could render graphics for display in the web browser (actually we use Apache FOP/BATIK to render SVG as PDF documents). On SLES for AMD64, the Java version is the IBMJava2 1.4.1 SDK. It does not recognize the "-Djava.awt.headless=true" option. There have been a number of workarounds suggested. The PJA toolkit does not seem to work for a number of reasons. The other suggestion was to use the Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer). I can find a man page for Xvfb in our SLES 8 install, but no actual module. Can someone provide instructions for enabling or accessing Xvfb? Obviously I am not an X guru - I use KDE and that's about it. I have waited for over two days for SuSE support to provide help - I'm starting to wonder why I paid the big bucks for SLES at this point. Thank you in advance - Richard Mixon