hi, since the download is available again. i tried the patches but they did not work on top of my 10.1 install because several programs need the installed versions of X11. but i noticed that the xserver has ksh as dependency. is there a real need ? my exp. says simply replacing /bin/ksh with /bin/bash works fine. (yes, there are differences) re, wh Stefan Dirsch wrote:
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 05:00:02PM +0200, walter harms wrote:
I'm happy to announce the availabiltiy of X.Org 7 packages for SUSE 10.1/10.2 (Alpha). These are still to be considered experimental. Therefore installing them on production system is *not* recommended. See also http://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=xorg7 for more details.
protected by password
Sorry, I think you need an account for openSUSE build service.
Feedback will be appreciated. Please send it to the list and not to me directly. Thanks.
10.1 Download: http://software.opensuse.org/download/xorg7/Java_Sun-Java-1.5_SUSE_Linux_10....
I see xorg7.repo no rpm. intentional ?
Temporary buildservice problems. :-(
intel has now a site for liux graphics driver: http://intellinuxgraphics.org/
are they included ?
Yes, once the packages show up again.
Best regards, Stefan
Public Key available ------------------------------------------------------ Stefan Dirsch (Res. & Dev.) SUSE LINUX Products GmbH Tel: 0911-740 53 0 Maxfeldstraße 5 FAX: 0911-740 53 479 D-90409 Nürnberg http://www.suse.de Germany ------------------------------------------------------