Dear listmembers, if someone of you runs into issues getting tons of messages like: [fglrx] API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for SelectTextureSGIS **** referring to different function calls (like SelectTextureSGIS here) and you get it both as normal user and as root you're trapped in an ATI-bug. This will hurt you with any 3D-application (test fglrxinfo for example) Solution: (until there is a bugfix from ATI) 8.25.18: replace /usr/lib/fglrx/lib/libGL.so.1.2 by the version from 8.23.7 8.26.18: replace /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 by the version from 8.23.7 This issue showed for me with a Radeon 9200. Hope this is of any help to anyone of you. Different systems (like Unbuntu, Debian) show different results. This here refers to SuSE 9.3 only (Maybe others, but I do not know). Take care Dieter Jurzitza -- ----------------------------------------------------------- | \ /\_/\ | | ~x~ |/-----\ / \ /- \_/ ^^__ _ / _ ____ / <°°__ \- \_/ | |/ | | || || _| _| _| _| if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font with constant spacing like courier! :-) -----------------------------------------------------------