Dear listmembers, after about half a year of waiting I can state that they've arrived where I hoped them to arrive for quite a while now: the latest fglrx-driver supports YUY2! So, tvtime is back to functionality again. So, apart from the fact that yast (opensuse 10.3) writes parameters into xorg.conf that make my monitor fail (too high resolution for Elsa Ecomo 750, 1900x1600 or something similar, the largest acceptable resolution is 1600x1200) everything seems to be up and running now. Only to let you know! Thanks ATI and everybody who has been spending lots of time with this driver! Take care Dieter Jurzitza -- ----------------------------------------------------------- | \ /\_/\ | | ~x~ |/-----\ / \ /- \_/ ^^__ _ / _ ____ / <°°__ \- \_/ | |/ | | || || _| _| _| _| if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font with constant spacing like courier! :-) ----------------------------------------------------------- -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: