On 16/11/2020 06:45, Maurizio Galli (m4u9) wrote:
I'd like to know what are the general thoughts on this and feedback if openSUSE Xfce should consider switching default to Claws Mail instead.
I am not strongly for or against. I use Thunderbird, although I find it a bit big and slow. When I started at SUSE in 2017, I started with Thunderbird, and then I switched. I tried (from memory) Evolution, Claws, Sylpheed, GNUstep Mail, KMail, Balsa, and a few others too, I think. I stuck with Claws for a while, but its lack of multithreading annoyed me. I am on multiple mailing lists and get many messages every day, and every time a batch arrived, the program locked up while it collected and sorted them into folders. I also missed calendar support. So, I switched back to T'bird and I'm still using it. It does it all, to a greater extent than any other FOSS email client I know. I have global contact lists and other niceties enabled too, but they are less important; it's rich email from multiple providers, including MS Exchange, and integrated calendaring that are the killer features for me. -- Liam Proven - Technical Writer, SUSE Linux s.r.o. Corso II, Křižíkova 148/34, 186-00 Praha 8 - Karlín, Czechia Email: lproven@suse.com - Office telephone: +420 284 241 084