Andrew, 2008/7/2 Andrew Wafaa <>:
I'm a noob when it comes to the ways of XFCE, I'm predominantly a GNOME user although I do also use KDE. I would love to use XFCE on my eeePC, and also hopefully create a usb image for others to use. I do have a few questions with this in mind:
1. As the standard eeePC is very limited on space I would really like to hear of people's recommendations for applications. Ideally I would like to have as close to a full blown desktop providing all the functionality that I would see in a full sized laptop. I think the basics for this list are - RSS reader, IRC client, IM client, e-mail client, calendar client, VoIP client, webcam client, Office apps (Word Processor/Spreadsheet/Presentation/PDF), Media client (video and audio), codecs, network management, Image viewer. I appreciate that some of these are provided by default XFCE and also the Community repo.
Zenwalk Linux has a smoothly integrated Xfce desktop. Their philosophy is to have one application for one task - pretty lean and productive system. Maybe you could get some inspiration there
2. Does anyone have a link to or could they provide a KIWI control file for creating an XFCE live CD or similar? Obviously having the application list first would help in the creation of the xml.
Nope. But I'd be very interested in this as well - especially in an USB image. I'm unfortunately extremely busy atm, but I'll think about it later on.
3. If I choose to use NetworkManager under XFCE how would I enable it to start automatically when I log in? At the minute I have to run nm-applet manually to be able to get my network status and connect to wireless APs.
Maybe this not what you're looking for, but what if you'd use Xfce's autostart function? Simply place the nm-applet.desktop into ~/.config/autostart (if I remember right) - there is also a GUI available for Xfce, similar to GNOME's "sessions". Hope that helps! Best, Rupert
Many thanks,
-- Andrew Wafaa, openSUSE Member: GNOME & Marketing Teams. | openSUSE: Get It, Discover It, Create It at | -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
-- Rupert Horstkötter, openSUSE Community Email: Phone: +49 6151 7897817 Mobile: +49 176 21820039 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: