Re: [opensuse-wiki] Bugzilla is missing in the wiki?

There is another thread from a few days ago with the subject "Search on the Wiki?". On this thread, I have tried opening a discussion about implementing a solution for this problem. So far, I have heard complaints all over the list about the default wiki search, but I have not seen any discussion on the thread that is proposing a solution. For those of you who don't like the current search, please start having some discussion about what can be done about it. We have a couple of options, but for me to take the amount of time needed to explore, recommend, and implement something, Novell will need to sign off on it. I'm going to try to grease the wheels (I also don't care for the default search), but it would also be good to show that it is more than just me who is interested in a particular solution. So please do more than complain and contribute to the discussion about getting a solution :P
Juergen Weigert 07/19/10 5:33 AM >>> On Jul 17, 10 17:19:32 -0500, Rajko M. wrote: On Saturday 17 July 2010 15:50:39 Carlos E. R. wrote: On 2010-07-17 22:22, Tim Mohlmann wrote:
But it happens that in the forums we are suggesting to people that already have found a bug to report it in bugzilla right away... so this people will put "bugzilla" in the search box and not find it.
Which is pistazienfresser point, I understand. Did you already try it just before sending the Message? ;) I did try before sending my first message, but not the second one. Try to type Bugzilla in search, and you'll see it's fixed. Thanks to Rajko that is. So it is. He didn't say anything. Thanks, Rajko :-) You are welcome :)
I found that [[Report_a_Bug]] was the name of that page, on the old wiki, and articles in the new wiki also refernce it by that name. I've created it as yet-another-#redirect. I also found that the wiki search sucks in another unexpected way: (maybe related to what Rajko described below) A user who types 'bug report' in the search box, gets nothing. It appears that page title matches are 'exact matches', not substring matches. They are even case sensitive, so the uppercase B in 'Report a Bug' matters. cheers, JW-
Problem is that we have something like bug in advanced search that "hides" page that exist right on the top of search window, instead to report it below search field. Whole group "Page title matches" is sometimes missing.
The old wiki has that right, and it is the same MediaWiki version as the new wiki, so it is something about settings or extensions that are installed in a new wiki.
I'm trying to find configuration files before I file bug report on that, so that system admins have easier job to fix, but I lost the link :(
-- Regards, Rajko -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
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On Jul 19, 10 07:54:59 -0600, Matthew Ehle wrote:
For those of you who don't like the current search, please start having some discussion about what can be done about it. We have a couple of options, but for me to take the amount of time needed to explore, recommend, and implement something, Novell will need to sign off on it.
My prefered solution is 1) replace the default search with google search. It is free for open projects like us. Other options I see 2a) add useful sorting to the output of the search engine. (Reducing the total number of hits is an ugly workaround to avoid a relevant hit buried amongst irrelevant ones) 2b) add a [More...] button to the default search, which does the same search as before, but with a 'all:' prefix. This could even trigger automatically, if a search returns 0 hits. 2c) allow a fallback to articles on old-en.o.o if possible both for search engine and wiki links. 2d) ...and... aeh more, if I take some time to think about it. I'd offer to work on 2), if we can not do 1). cheers, JW- -- o \ Juergen Weigert paint it green! __/ _=======.=======_ <V> | back to ascii! __/ _---|____________\/ \ | 0911 74053-508 __/ (____/ /\ (/) | _____________________________/ _/ \_ vim:set sw=2 wm=8 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) "You are trying to use packages from project 'openSUSE:11.2'. Note that malicious packages can compromise your system." -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

On 19/07/10 15:54, Matthew Ehle wrote:
There is another thread from a few days ago with the subject "Search on the Wiki?". On this thread, I have tried opening a discussion about implementing a solution for this problem. So far, I have heard complaints all over the list about the default wiki search, but I have not seen any discussion on the thread that is proposing a solution.
For those of you who don't like the current search, please start having some discussion about what can be done about it. We have a couple of options, but for me to take the amount of time needed to explore, recommend, and implement something, Novell will need to sign off on it. I'm going to try to grease the wheels (I also don't care for the default search), but it would also be good to show that it is more than just me who is interested in a particular solution. So please do more than complain and contribute to the discussion about getting a solution :P
As I have written in mailing lists and in forums explicit and implicit: I do not think it so much a problem of the search engine more of the deleting redirects and not making new ones and of the default settings of that search engine. But as you, Matthew, asked for: that is circa what in my thoughts a better search engine/search engine setting could act with the result of the copying and pasting (instead of importing) and redirections deleting or omitting to make them 1) If a article or redirect in any namespace is exact (but: capital letter=not capital letter) equal to the the word(s) the search engine has gotten (example "sax2"/"SaX2"): lead the searcher to that article or at least give at as the first listed search result. 2) After that list the results that matches only in parts in the names/titles of the most needed namespaces with sorting the results in groups of namespaces (main, Portal, SDB, openSUSE) (example: "printer"AND"Yast": "SDB:Setting up a canon printer via Yast") 3) Then the results in the text of the articles in most needed namespaces 4) Then the results in the names of the articles of the other namespaces 5) Last the other possible results maybe with the inclusion of not exact matching redirects But I do not know what or how many possible results are wanted to be hidden from the normal searcher or how the user is planned to be treated at all. I only think that there would be e. g. more users interested in how set up a printer from HP than in how the program/application that is able do that optimal in openSUSE 11.1-11.3 is called. And I think it is absurd to lead only the searcher to the matching article who knows how this program is called and spelled. So in my opinion it is more about how flexible or strict / from the telos/meaning or only from the words the concept of different namespaces should be used or if the concept should be modified - and if the makers of the concept have known and thought about the possible features and limitations search engines in making that concept. Good luck pistazienfresser - openSUSE profile: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
participants (3)
Juergen Weigert
Matthew Ehle