Why does OpenSuSE mailing-list are on ezmlm?

I know this is not exactly the right place to ask this question, but among the available mailing-lists it is the closest to the subject. OpenSuSE mailing-list are managed by ezmlm. This is a strange choice considering: 1. There is no ezmlm RPM package in OpenSuSE. It is a bit odd that a distribution uses a software on its servers that it does not even distribute... 2. Mailman has many more features and has a RPM package in OpenSuSE. Why then ezmlm?! Mark

On 2005-10-13 13:34:08 +0100, Mark Hellman wrote:
I know this is not exactly the right place to ask this question, but among the available mailing-lists it is the closest to the subject.
OpenSuSE mailing-list are managed by ezmlm. This is a strange choice considering:
1. There is no ezmlm RPM package in OpenSuSE. It is a bit odd that a distribution uses a software on its servers that it does not even distribute... 2. Mailman has many more features and has a RPM package in OpenSuSE.
Why then ezmlm?!
because lists.suse.com runs on it for ages? and ... i think many people here would prefer mlmmj. has a package too and the maintainer is an employee. and it had no security bugs so far. darix

Hello, Mark Hellman <markhellman@techie.com> wrote:
OpenSuSE mailing-list are managed by ezmlm. This is a strange choice considering:
1. There is no ezmlm RPM package in OpenSuSE. It is a bit odd that a distribution uses a software on its servers that it does not even distribute... 2. Mailman has many more features and has a RPM package in OpenSuSE.
Why then ezmlm?!
There has been an generla discussion about this on suse-linux@suse.com one or two years ago. One of the words from a SUSE-guy was: "If we would use mailman we would need to constantly put RAM into the mailman-server. ezmlm is the best coice in our scenario". I can not really second this, because Debian, SourceForge and RedHat are using mailman and some other high traffic lists do as well. But I believe that if they say that ezmlm is the software which suits their needs at its best, what the hell ;-) What I second is the "problem" with the rpm package of ezmlm. But I think this is more a general item and should be discussed in the general mailinglist opensuse@opensuse.org, so I will set a reply2 now (if this is supported by ezmlm). bis dahin/kind regards Martin Mewes -- Welche Mailingliste zu welchem Linux? suse-linux@suse.com -> SuSE Linux debian-user-german@lists.debian.org -> Debian GNU/Linux linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org -> Linux Kernel

On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 02:55:10PM +0200, Martin Mewes wrote:
Mark Hellman <markhellman@techie.com> wrote:
OpenSuSE mailing-list are managed by ezmlm. This is a strange choice considering:
1. There is no ezmlm RPM package in OpenSuSE. It is a bit odd that a distribution uses a software on its servers that it does not even distribute... 2. Mailman has many more features and has a RPM package in OpenSuSE.
Why then ezmlm?!
There has been an generla discussion about this on suse-linux@suse.com one or two years ago. One of the words from a SUSE-guy was:
"If we would use mailman we would need to constantly put RAM into the mailman-server. ezmlm is the best coice in our scenario".
I can not really second this, because Debian, SourceForge and RedHat are using mailman and some other high traffic lists do as well.
In one or two years a lot can change. And it would be ghreat to have a page that explains what hard and/pr software the openSUSE.org is running. I also like mailman a lot more, becsue it gives the user an easier tool to configure his or her settings via a webinterface.
But I believe that if they say that ezmlm is the software which suits their needs at its best, what the hell ;-)
Ok, but you also have to put your money where your mouth is. I would say, use the software that is avalable with SUSE. Two possible solutions with the same staring point. What was the reason it was NOT included with SUSE? If it is not good enough for the users, it should not be good enough for openSUSE.org. If it is great, then it should be included. Either on both or on neither. I once asked the sales manager of a technical company I used to work for why we did not use application X, wich was our best product (or so they said). His answer was that the IT manager did not like it. I then asked how he would sell this to other companies if he can't even sell it to his OWN company. OK, running ezmlm instead of mailman is not the same as running openSUSE.org on a Microsoft ASP server, but it still would be nice to have software be used that is included in the distro it advacates. This next to the fact that mailman is a lot more userfriendly (wich happens to be one of the goals of openSUSE.org) houghi -- Quote correct (NL) http://www.briachons.org/art/quote/ Zitiere richtig (DE) http://www.afaik.de/usenet/faq/zitieren Quote correctly (EN) http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Mark Hellman wrote:
I know this is not exactly the right place to ask this question, but among the available mailing-lists it is the closest to the subject.
OpenSuSE mailing-list are managed by ezmlm. This is a strange choice considering:
1. There is no ezmlm RPM package in OpenSuSE. It is a bit odd that a distribution uses a software on its servers that it does not even distribute... 2. Mailman has many more features and has a RPM package in OpenSuSE.
Why then ezmlm?!
This is a purely historical issue, as the lists.suse.com server has been running for ages (as Marcus already mentioned). But I can tell you, that there are plans to migrate lists.suse.com to a new mailing list server, that will be running Mailman. Regards Christoph

On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 06:56:15PM +0200, Christoph Thiel wrote:
But I can tell you, that there are plans to migrate lists.suse.com to a new mailing list server, that will be running Mailman.
great news. Thanks. houghi -- Quote correct (NL) http://www.briachons.org/art/quote/ Zitiere richtig (DE) http://www.afaik.de/usenet/faq/zitieren Quote correctly (EN) http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
participants (5)
Christoph Thiel
Marcus Rueckert
Mark Hellman
Martin Mewes