Re: [opensuse-wiki] Suggestions for software.o.o

On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 09:19 +0200, Martin Schlander wrote:
I have two small proposals for regarding the live CDs.
1) It seems it's not clear to all people that the livecds are installable. I suggest to add "(installable)" after LiveCD in section 2, "Choose installation medium"
A good idea as well. Hopefully some will listen to Martin Lasarsch and Zonker at .
2) The link for the KDE CD says: "Live CD KDE (644 MB)", I suggest to change it to "Live CD KDE 4.0 (644 MB)". So noone will get nasty surprises.. even though the filename says KDE4.
An even better idea. Though the filename has KDE4 in it, when most people fire it up, they certainly will get a 'surprise', IMO. --- R a n d y G o d d a r d "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."
participants (1)
Randy Goddard