Team, somehow, we lost Kim Groneman (tech. Forums Admin) in CC:, thus I introduced him again and I'd like to ask everyone to use "Reply All" in order to keep him in the loop from now on. 2010/2/23 Thomas Schmidt <tom@opensuse.org>:
I don't think it's possible with mediawiki, but hermes is able to do this now. If you are not familiar with hermes (the opensuse notification system), here is how to setup a feed or notifications for the wiki: - Go to https://hermes.opensuse.org/subscriptions -> 'New Subscription' - Select the type wiki change and your digest and delivery mode of choice - If you only want special changes, click on 'add filter', and filter for example for a namespace or a change_type
I can take the task to setup feeds for the namespaces Help:, openSUSE: ...? Just tell me what you need, we can also enhance the mediawiki hermes extension to include more stuff.
Thomas/Rajko/Kim, actually, this is exactly what we're looking for in regard of the FlaggedRevs/Wiki Forum QA we need to establish. Iirc we need the Recent Changes from Main namespace at wiki.o.o (=distro documentation) only. We need Rajko to verify this though (he's master of namespaces). That said, as of testing I'd like to do the following: 1. Create Test namespace (production would be Main then) 2. Create subforum of the Wiki-forum (production would be Wiki forum itself then) 3. Create testpages at Test namespace 4. Configure Hermes to output Recent Changes from Test namespace only 5. Let forumsadmin autoposting bot grab the RSS and post it into before-mentioned subforum (see 2) Things to investigate here = desired behaviour (I explain this again): FlaggedRevs flags a certain page as draft initially. That should kick in forumsadmin RSS bot to post corresponding discussion thread at the subforum. Now, after discussing at the forums, the draft will be flagged as sighted and the thread at the forums will be closed. Then, a new draft may occur as an edit to the sighted page and forumsadmin should kick in again and re-open the existing discussion thread and so on and so forth. Flowchart: 1. New draft in Test namespace -> Hermes RSS -> forumsadmin posts thread 2. draft flagged as sighted + thread closed 3. New draft rev of the very same article in Test namespace -> Hermes -> forumsadmin re-opens existing thread 4. Completely new draft= new page in Test namespace -> Hermes -> forumsadmin posts completely new thread So, how to get started? Please, Thomas/Rajko/Kim, sit together and try this with the mentioned test environment. We may do this while having an IRC real-time meeting in parallel where you 3 and I may participate to make this easier. At first I'd like to have input from all parties about technical achievability (both Wiki/Hermes and Forums), then we need to find an appropriate date to get this tested. Once we switch wiki.o.o in production this should be adopted to Wiki forum itself and Main namespace, until then (for testing): Test namespace and testing-subforum. Any more question marks? Best, R
-- Thomas Schmidt (tom [at] opensuse.org) openSUSE Boosters Team "Don't Panic", Douglas Adams (1952 - 11.05.2001) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-wiki+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-wiki+help@opensuse.org
-- Rupert Horstkötter, open-slx gmbh openSUSE Board Member openSUSE Community Assistant http://en.opensuse.org/User:Rhorstkoetter Email: rhorstkoetter@opensuse.org Jabber: ruperthorstkoetter@googlemail.com -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-wiki+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-wiki+help@opensuse.org