Hello Everyone, I know there has been some discussion on creating a language.o.o subdomain and using that as a sort of sandbox for multilingual content. Recently, bug 629542 has been submitted for it. Before I do this, may I request that we consider using our current wiki.o.o for this purpose instead of creating languages.o.o? My reasons for this are given in the bug comments, but the short of it is that I want to keep things simple, both from my standpoint and that of the users. Why have two domains serving the same content, while we create an entirely different one for new content? Also, creating a new subdomain takes time, as we need to wait for the DNS entry, iChain configuration, database setup, after which, I will need to muck around with the wiki farm configurations to accommodate a new subdomain that doesn't fit in with the pattern we have been following. Just some food for thought...