With the growing number of language wikis (Swedish was just silently launched http://sv.opensuse.org) the issue of keeping interwiki links up to date will become an issue. Jdd's IW template helps a bit, but it has the problem that it adds a link to all languages if the translated page exists or not. There should never be an interwiki link to a nonexistent page. As discussed briefly here before, the way the wikipedia copes with this is to use a python script. It is a well established opensource project http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywikipediabot/ The opensuse.org wiki is using non-standard authentication, with diverts and https. I was hacking at the script about a month ago, and made some progress but didn't solve it. I thought I would have another go, but thought I would raise the subject in case somebody else has been thinking the same thing. (I am definetly not a Python expert). My idea is that we would submit our changes to the sourcforge project so that we don't have to maintain our own fork of the script going forward. I will update the existing page http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Bots with details and progress. Peter 'Pflodo' Flodin.