It should be time to speak about this anew, for all the ones not directly involved to 10.1 it would be nice if the new layout could be on line at the same time as 10.1, if ever possible at all. I see for now two important things: *we need a single home page to be set in the advertisements/signatures... I couldn't find the project already shown here (wikipedia like), but I liked it much may be a contest could be done (win a tee shirt :-) to find the best artwork (I'm sure not to win this :-) *we need a much simpler left column sidebar. Home (always on top, this one :-) Use SUSE Linux Download Documentation (including SDB, FAQ) Participate Community (including how to participate, communicate, projects, team, tasks) Report a bug About openSUSE News (including roadmap & events) Project overview Contacts Legal on the center panel, download be "Download the installable demo dvd" and should send directly to the stable release dvd mirror. In fact my choice should be a single _cd_ demo (SLICK?). A demo needs to be fast... bug report should be avoided. SUSE have NO bug isn't it :-) jdd --érer_ses_photos