All, I try to explain the distinction once again. The Wiki team and I have been working on a Usability concept for almost 3 months now. We thought about the Structure of the new wiki, categorization, Layout, Visual presentation, consistent look&feel, Guideline creation and so on and so forth. People participating in that process are referred to as the Wiki Team. Now, as we have our new instance up and running at wiki.o.o and are actually ready to get started with the transition, we reached out to the community asking for help with the article transition: that means we need (and now have) a crowd of knowledged people that are willing to help us with the reviewing of the content we have .. as we recruited most of those people out of the forums, we call them the forums squad (who the hell invented that term btw?). Look at it from that perspective .. If you contribute to the forums by assisting the community you're not automatically a forums moderator while it's certainly appreciated if you join the forums team and become one. That said, every "member of the forums squad" is certainly welcome to join the Wiki team from a long term perspective by participating in the wiki on a regular basis and do jobs a forums moderator also do .. just in the wiki. I never expected such an endless discussion about that though. The purpose is clear .. we (the Wiki team) try to get a crowd of volunteers synced in order to empower them to properly do the reviewing of content we currently have in the wiki in conformity with the QA standards we defined. The intention of the mentoring session is, as i said several times before, to sync all contributors and make them aware of the QA standards we defined. ONLY that way we're able to achieve something awesome. I'm not sure if something is still unclear but if it is, please ask. Let me draw a metaphor: If you're an architect working for months on a plan to build a new house you need to sync all craftsmen before getting started ..otherwise they'll most liekly build a church or whatever or even something you cannot call a building .. that's by no mean the failure of craftsmen .. it's unprofessionalism of the architect if he fails to communicate the concept to all workers. To clarify FSundermeyer's announcement: We'll do Article reviewing of all content we have according to our QA standards and this will happen like follows: 1. We mentor all volunteers and assign specific articles to specific contributors after the session. 2. The volunteers will review the articles assigned to them and "flag" them with a Reviewed template once done according to the standards we defined. 3. The Wiki team (sysops at wiki.o.o) will then transfer and proper categorize the reviewed content into the new instance and once this is done, wiki.o.o will become en.o.o Best, R 2009/12/23 jdd-gmane <jdd@dodin.org>:
Le 23/12/2009 13:42, DenverD a écrit :
question: will there be an enduring team who can and will take a coherent, well written/structured and needed article consisting of WORDS and add the wiki markup?
basically, the wiki markup is text. Understanding titles is not that difficult, lists neither. that'ds nearly all.
the tables can be a nightmare to edit if more than 4/5 lines
so, yes, if there is no team there will be no wiki.
notice that the present "wiki mess" is much better than no wiki at all :-)
-- http://www.dodin.net http://valerie.dodin.org http://news.opensuse.org/2009/04/13/people-of-opensuse-jean-daniel-dodin/
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