Ok, so I think it is agreed that the navigation links on the side bar need to be changed or added to. In fact because it so central to the wiki I don't think we can really talk about the rest of the wiki until we have established what to do with the side (and top) links. We should keep the additions to a minimum. Houghi's description of 5 being acceptable is about right.
So I would add some things to the Use SUSE Linux part. Downloads Yes, I think nobody wants to remove this :-)
User documentation Yes I agree.
Official Novell Documentation (Need to make a new page, which could include Cool Solutions and stuff) I am not convinced that this needs its own page, shouldn't we aim at being the location for all documentation. And then Novell doco just becomes external links where appropriate. Especially as there is talk of importing Novell info into thw wiki.
Development Documentation. (also a new page) I think this will be more than just documentation. How about just "Developers" or "Developer Resources"
Projects (also a new page) The word "project" is a bit overused on the OpenSUSE site. "Project Overview" refers to OpenSUSE. "Projects" http://www.opensuse.org/Projects refers to other projects that Novell sponsor. "User Projects" is what you are referring to, but what makes them "User" projects? PPC should be listed on that page, which at the moment has a link from Official Novell doco. We just need to do some renaming I think. The current [[Projects]] page should move to [[Other Novell Sponsored Projects]] or similar, and the [[User Projects]] I think should be the [[Projects]] page. But yes a link to that page is OK with me....