On Friday 17 February 2006 14:30, Mark Hellman wrote:
... at the expense of thousands of present and future SuSE users who, from now on, won't be able to get their Intel and Smartlink modems, their wireless cards, or their ISDN cards to work. The very same devices that enable them to connect to the Internet...
Except for when there are OSS drivers available, or companies develop drivers to exist in userspace.
Some people foolish think this GPL "sharia" from the kernel folks is a sort of social engineering to pressure manufacturers to open their drivers code. Understand this once and for all: there have been, there are and always will be manufacturers that don't want to open their drivers code. It is their legitimate right to do so, and Linux must be able to peacefully coexist with this reality. On the user perspective, this "sharia" is just on more reason for not using SuSE...
See userspace comment above. I think what you've said here was inflammatory, ridiculous, flawed, and a complete waste of time. If you're going to rant, please rant somewhere within reality, instead of sending out obviously uninformed crap.
Joseph M. Gaffney aka CuCullin