Hello, Am Freitag, 30. September 2005 23:21 schrieb Peter Flodin: [...]
Yes but User Guide and Admin guide to what? [...] Our own doco should cover everything in those guides.
There are many things that still have a lack of documentation - better write about those and link to the existing User/Admin guide when it already contains the topic. Of course, if the User/Admin guide are incomplete/not-so-good/whatever on a topic, you can write the missing parts to the wiki. And/or you can go to bugzilla and enter a bug in the "Documentation" component ;-) Regards, Christian Boltz -- "Does your computer ever crash?" "Oh definitely, believe me. We want to make a tool that we can use ourselves and we know from our own use we can make it a lot better and a lot more reliable." [Bill Gates in a BBC interview]