Today I found one article moved to SDB, as it was tagged with template I copied article back to original location leaving the one in SDB untouched, and changed template a bit, to temporary fix the wording. That brought me to think about the purpose of SDB. It was one time when Support Database was source of many solutions that helped us, and inclusion in openSUSE wiki was great present from SUSE. While SDB is better organized there is no many authors that write for it and even those that do don't look often in as rules are adding complexity to those for writing ordinary articles. My question is;"How to define the purpose of SDB?" At the moment it is more like archive of solutions for previous SUSE releases. It is very little added since it was included in openSUSE. Should we maintain that status, and ask contributors to write normal articles in main space and when time passes and new release comes out move/copy those in the SDB structure. What I like is time view "history" and structure of categories: and that is how we can attempt to structure main namespace of wiki. -- Regards, Rajko. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: