Hi Josh On Do 24 Apr 2008 17:12:07 CEST Josh <guitarist198@yahoo.com> wrote:
As a recap, I did not tell you that you could not have subcategories. Instead I suggested that you put your subcategories under your Education_Applications category. Wouldn't it make sense to have subcategories under their parent category as they are *sub*categories. So what I meant was categorize your Education_Art Category as Education and not as Applications.
Sorry, if I don't understand your suggest - looks like I've no idea of how to use the Categories in the wiki the best way. I'll trying to understand it in an example: Package Audacity -> [[Category:Education_Applications_Art]] ? Category:Education_Applications_Art -> [[Category:Education]] ? Sorry, I'm too stupid to understand what should be the benefit here. I like to use: Package Audacity -> [[Category:Education_Art]] && [[Category:Education_Applications]] First one "infinitely", second one until we've marked all applications the right way, so we can create a new "Education_Applications" page showing all "Education_*" Categories. Teachers using Audacity and searching for similar apps can click on the "Education_Art" Link in Audacity and get a list of those apps (if they didn't find any useful in the "See also"-paragraph).
This would make more sense anyways in relating to how your menu structure is according to freedesktop. In a menu you go to Education, then art. So in the wiki, you go to the education category then inside this category you go to education art category. Education and education art should not be in the same menu level. This does fit into the category hierarchy if you make that simple change.
So back again to my example - hopefully I understand it now: Audacity -> [[Category:Art]] Category:Education -> lists [[Category:Art]] ? Category:Art -> lists other Art specific software. So a teacher has to decide for himself if a package listed in this Category can be useful for education or not. He has to search the whole "Category Art" to find apps he can use in his enviroment.
To your second problem: Possibly under education you could make a category called opensuse-education-apps or something. This could contain all apps that are considered within the opensuse education project.
Hm: We already have the Education_Applications Category...? But to "fill" this category, we must add a category link to each application, right? So in the end: I could life with adding only: [[Category:Education_Art]] (or a similar tag) to each software description and create a page listing the Categories starting with "Education_". The new page will obsolete the second Category Tag "Education_Application". But I currently don't agree living just with the "normal" [[Category:Art]] tag in a package description. Perhaps someone can give me a hint how to flag an application just with the additional tag [[Category:Education]] - and to combine a [[Category:Education]] and [[Category:Art]] search on one page. But I'm absolutely no fan of doing things manually which can be done easily in an automatic way adding just one additional tag to each application. Again: Wikipedia has thousends of categories. Each wikipedia page has a lot of categories in the footer and the people using wikipedia don't look to be bothered by the huge category links. ...and I'm just asking for adding one additional category to each application description... Regards, Lars --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-wiki+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-wiki+help@opensuse.org