It looks like MediaWiki disables the ability for external redirects for security reasons (good ones in my opinion). While I can look at the possibility of enabling this, I see two other options that might be better.$wgDisableHardRedirects
We could simply enable this on en.o.o until we go live. We would get redirects that we can maintain without bothering you all the time. That sounds way better to me, agreed? :)
I actually found a way to do this without changing any wiki settings. In the interwiki table, there is a field called iw_local for specifying whether the interwiki link should be treated as if it were a link to the local wiki. I added to the English interwiki table and set the iw_local setting to "1", so that only hard redirects to wiki.o.o are allowed. I did this on both stage and production. Here is the test page for stage: To create the redirect, set up the article using only this text: #REDIRECT [[wiki:<WikiPage>]] Matthew Ehle Web Engineer Application Development & Maintenance Affiliated Computer Services, Inc A Xerox Company Mobile Phone: (801) 228-8043 Office Phone: (801) 861-2722