Hallo Leute, Am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2006 02:24 schrieb houghi:
On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 01:58:26AM +0100, Christian Boltz wrote: <snip>
What do you think about my suggestion?
Full ACK.
As there was nobody against it, I finally moved the minutes to http://en.opensuse.org/2006-01-24-status-meeting and http://en.opensuse.org/2006-02-07-status-meeting On http://en.opensuse.org/2006-01-24-status-meeting-transcript I also added a note "This is the transcript of the 2006-01-24-status-meeting." so that people that "accidently" find the transcript find their way back to the minutes. http://en.opensuse.org/2006-02-07-status-meeting-transcript is protected. Could one of the admins add This is the transcript of the [[2006-02-07-status-meeting]]. please?
PS: If there's nobody who has too much time ;-) I will do the changes in the wiki - but let's discuss if and how it should be done first.
You can already change the future to the past tence.
Also done.
As a sidenote: What I do is just do things on the Wiki and then later see if people like it or not. As most people are IT-people, they tend to be able to discuss and discuss without ever taking a real discussion, because somebody always believes it could be done better in another way. ;-)
*g* I don't want a second forum discussion ;-) However, my changes took some time and I wanted to be sure that nobody simply undoes it... Regards, Christian Boltz -- Mir ist das gerade dadurch aufgefallen, daß meine .xsession-errors die geringfügige Größe von 2,6 GiB erreicht hatte. 22 Millionen Zeilen. [Christian Ullrich in suse-linux]