DenverD, thanks for your feedback/questions. 2009/11/12 DenverD <>:
Rupert Horstkötter wrote:
JFYI, I'll get started with a discussion about the creation of a Wiki Forum as part of our QA process (proof-reading) with the Forums Team over at forums.o.o (I have access to the private team area). Besides the proof-reading aspect I feel this appropriate as a discussion platform for the Wiki Team with the openSUSE Community (getting feedback, providing guidance, ..., collaboration from a long term perspective, i.e. transforming valuable Forums content into tutorial-style articles for the Wiki and so on and so forth). As we move forward with the implementation of our Usability Concept, I feel this as the right time to kick this off - that way we'll have the Wiki Forum available as soon as we need it.
Any complaints? Please provide input you may have.
not complaints, just questions?
-would the 'Wiki Forum' be closed...that is, open only to the 'Wiki Team'?
obviously not. The Wiki Forum will be an integral part of our QA process, an opportunity to get in touch and a chance for smoother collaboration (please see my answer to Shayon for more details). An additional Subforum for the Team-only may be valuable (this is the decision of the team - if they'd like to move discussions off the mailing list and use the forums instead, we can certainly think about that as well and I'd do my best to establish that)
-or, will wiki changes be open to all (i have made changes and improvements before, it seems that anyone who can log into the communities help fora can make changes...even those who only open an account to drive by spam..)?
Certainly everyone registered to forums.o.o is in general able to contribute to the Wiki using the same login - this is iChain SSO.
-which ever (open or closed), will it be available via both http and nntp?
All Forums at forums.o.o are available via NNTP as well. Best, R
-- Rupert Horstkötter openSUSE Community Assistant Email: Jabber: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: