Re: [opensuse-web] openSUSE Web Updates

Am Samstag, 19. November 2011 schrieb Christian Boltz:
Am Donnerstag, 17. November 2011 schrieb Matthew Ehle:
1) We are working on getting the wikis and blogs up to the latest versions. Aside from what appears to be some minor cosmetic issues on the wikis, these upgrades have been successful on stage.
Just a quick note about the wiki: MultiBoilerplate doesn't contain my "boilerplate per namespace" patch. Please re-apply it.
Another quick note: firebug shows me several 404 errors for /load.php (and the server needs 10 seconds to serve the 404, see below).
AFAIK load.php is used to merge and compress CSS and JS into one file. This could give us a noticable performance improvement compared to loading $lots_of CSS and JS files.
At the moment the CSS and JS files are still loaded in the "traditional" way (not too surprising - there are some and tags in the bento template). In other words: We need to do some changes in the Bento template to use the ResourceLoader. See - and note that it's also a new topic for me ;-)
I've actually been thinking about this as well. Most of the content is served from static.o.o, and it is actually one of the longest things to wait on with the production servers. Minimizing that would have a huge impact. The theme is in github now, so you guys should be able to work on it now, like when it was in berlios.
3) As part of this transition, we were able to make the staging sites available to the public!
Is it normal/expected that GET Main_Page on enstage.o.o takes nearly 11 seconds to load? (measured with firebug)
The same happens for other pages, including 404 errors like the page for load.php (which is handled as non-existing wiki page).
Unfortunately, yes. The problem is the staging database (notice how much more quickly loads), and I have been meaning to talk to the DBAs about it. -Matt
participants (1)
Matthew Ehle