Hello, Am Montag, 26. Oktober 2015 schrieb Izabel Valverde:
I would like to inform the brazilian openSUSE page is not working https://www.opensuse.org/pt-br/
Error: Not Found The requested URL /pt-br/ was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Nice, that's two problems in one ;-) 1) the old www.opensuse.org/$language/ URL doesn't work anymore with the new landing page, which means people who have a bookmark with that will get an error message instead. 2) ironically, even the "404 not found" error document can't be found ;-) Admin team, can you please fix this? For 1), I propose to add redirects (one per language or with a regex) that redirects to /. I don't know all languages the old page provided, but I'd guess that RedirectMatch /[a-z][a-z]/ / RedirectMatch /[a-z][a-z]-[a-z][a-z]/ / should be enough. For 2), the fix should be obvious ;-) Regards, Christian Boltz --
[WLAN-Probleme] zieh sämtliche (!) Kabel aus dem Speedport und versuch's nochmal. Vor einer Woche hätte ich sogar noch gewettet, daß das klappt; heute bin ich vorsichtiger... Ich würde sogar wetten, daß das sicher nicht klappt. So ganz ohne Stromkabel... :-) [> Matthias Boots und Stefan Seyfried in opensuse-mobile-de]
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