Hello, Am Donnerstag, 5. April 2012 schrieb Henne Vogelsang:
On 04/05/2012 02:05 AM, Rajko M. wrote:
How about changing default to search "Everything" (all namespaces without few that are in essence tools)
Please don't. Especially openSUSE: is one big chaotic info dump again, because nobody gives a shit about the wiki rules. I don't want our distro users to suffer from this just because...
One more reason to make the search better. (No smiley, I'm serious about that.) IMHO this includes searching all namespaces - and rating the main and portal namespace up so that they are always on top of the search results. I had an interesting IRC discussion with yaloki on this some months ago. The TL;DR summary is something like "lucene itsself is a very good search engine, but the implementation in MediaWiki / the MWSearch extension is just broken". Pascal was quite shocked when reading the MWSearch code. It more or less does the equivalent of "SELECT ... WHERE content LIKE '%searchword%'. In other words: lucene has lots of features to get better search results and to influence the search result order - but we don't use them. The people involved in the discussion allowed to send the IRC log. It's attached and contains lots of useful knownledge, so please read it ;-) (If you are in a hurry, you can start reading at 01:17) Regards, Christian Boltz -- TikiWiki ist eine sehr umfassende Sammlung von Sicherheitslücken, konzeptuellen Problemen und Performancekillern, die alles kann und nichts richtig. [Kristian Köhntopp auf http://blog.koehntopp.de/archives/2051-5-Jahre-Blogging.html]