Also, make sure there no appamor config install for Xen, I have seen appmor cause a lot of issues. Chuck On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Jim Fehlig <> wrote:
Hans Witvliet wrote:
Hi all,
Are there any known issues with 13.1 as a DOM0 ?
@work, i installed+updated a new system, added XEN-tools + XEN-kernel, enabled bridging, verified with "xm list" that all was up-and-running.
xm/xend is on the way out. xl/libxl (aka libxenlight) is on the way in, and the default Xen toolstack in 13.1
See the following bug for some details, in particular comment#11
I also recently wrote a blog post about libvirt's use of the old and new Xen toolstacks
Regards, Jim
But when trying to create a domU (with the yast2-module) no show. First issue was that an ubuntu-client needed hw-virtualisation (which was disabled in the bios), but after tweaking that, still no show.
Next i tried sles11sp3 (thus using paravirt.) but same problem. Disabled graphic-emulation, still fails. (sorry for the briefness, no access to those systems here athome)
Is there anything i should tweak on 13.1? On 12.1 and 12.2 it worked out-of-the-box...
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