After those changes you suggested for changing the machine-id of cloned VMs and enabling the repo signing, we’ve now added a few servers as clients, gone through two package patching cycles, and have noticed that the package list for at least some clients doesn’t appear to be updating. I currently have nine Ubuntu 20.04 clients registered with Uyuni. Two show outstanding package updates (even though they’ve been updated from the client side with apt-get upgrade) and apt-get upgrade command shows no outstanding patches. Some of the others show no outstanding upgrades/patches from the Uyuni client pages, but an apt-get upgrade shows multiple outstanding packages. The clients appear to be updating some info though. None show up in the Inactive systems list, and the last reboot parameter appears to be updated. For the two where Uyuni shows updatable packages and apt reports none, the UUID in the System Info is the same for both systems. However since the Web UI reference documentation doesn’t say much about the UUID field (beyond “The universally unique identifier”) it’s hard to tell if that’s an internal Uyuni number, or something like the machine-id that hasn’t been properly updated . I tried looking at the possibly relevant Troubleshooting guides but didn’t find anything that appeared relevant. /var/log/rhn/rhn_taskomatic_daemon.log has some 401 and 403 errors that appear to be for the SLES for SAP product/channels that we haven’t started using yet. mgr-sync list credentials reports a primary credentials entry but there’s this error in the taskomatic log file 2021-02-01 00:26:08,950 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-12] WARN com.redhat.rhn.manager.content.ContentSyncManager - Error reading UUID: /etc/zypp/credentials.d/SCCcredentials (No such file or directory) While I don’t think that ‘s relevant to the Ubuntu package list, it’s something I’ll have to figure out fairly soon. Cheers, Paul-Andre *From:* Paul-Andre Panon <paul-andre.panon@avigilon.com> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 26, 2021 4:02 PM *To:* 'Pau Garcia' <pau.garcia@suse.com>; 'users@lists.uyuni-project.org' < users@lists.uyuni-project.org> *Subject:* RE: Registration problems with Ubuntu 20.04 and Uyuni Well, it’s a definite improvement. I’ve rolled that into the template customization scripts and I can now see more than 1 system registered. Thank you. I’m now seeing a different problem. W: Failed to fetch https://myuniserver.mydomain:443/rhn/manager/download/dists/ubuntu-2004-amd6... Undetermined Error [IP: AA.BB.CC.DD 443] If I try to go to that URL from a browser, I get You need a token to access /manager/download/ubuntu-2004-amd64-main-security-uyuni/repodata/InRelease The only reference I’ve found in google for that appears to be in Spanish and CentOS related on a capa9.net forum. *From:* Pau Garcia <pau.garcia@suse.com> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 26, 2021 1:18 AM *To:* Paul-Andre Panon <paul-andre.panon@avigilon.com>; users@lists.uyuni-project.org *Subject:* Re: Registration problems with Ubuntu 20.04 and Uyuni Hello Have you checked this? https://www.uyuni-project.org/uyuni-docs/uyuni/administration/tshoot-registe... <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.uyuni-2Dproject.org_uyuni-2Ddocs_uyuni_administration_tshoot-2Dregisterclones.html&d=DwMF-g&c=q3cDpHe1hF8lXU5EFjNM_A&r=2sQoWEMcncSKL5kWoc_nrZbhUyhuj8tJfA91_lDSglQ&m=1eukOzzSEjOtVn2k1EHN31r5jyNgS5MGJsmhyH8zORk&s=f_jplxDISPWHgOxPvgeHoTERl7TEsIFO6RV6bBD8GIU&e=> Troubleshooting Registering Cloned Clients :: Uyuni Documentation <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.uyuni-2Dproject.org_uyuni-2Ddocs_uyuni_administration_tshoot-2Dregisterclones.html&d=DwMF-g&c=q3cDpHe1hF8lXU5EFjNM_A&r=2sQoWEMcncSKL5kWoc_nrZbhUyhuj8tJfA91_lDSglQ&m=1eukOzzSEjOtVn2k1EHN31r5jyNgS5MGJsmhyH8zORk&s=f_jplxDISPWHgOxPvgeHoTERl7TEsIFO6RV6bBD8GIU&e=> If you are using Uyuni to manage virtual machines, you might find it useful to create clones of your VMs. A clone is a VM that uses a primary disk that is an exact copy of an existing disk. www.uyuni-project.org Thank you Pau Garcia Quiles SUSE Manager Product Owner & Technical Project Manager SUSE Software Solutions Spain ------------------------------ *From:* Paul-Andre Panon <paul-andre.panon@avigilon.com> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 26, 2021 8:30 AM *To:* users@lists.uyuni-project.org <users@lists.uyuni-project.org> *Subject:* Registration problems with Ubuntu 20.04 and Uyuni Hi, I’m trying to set up an Uyuni server to replace a Spacewalk server, starting with setting up support for Ubuntu 20.04. Ideally we would like to be able to use a vSphere VM template that we can use to generate/clone new VMs, and then run a script on that new VM to customize it with the specific desired hostname, AD domain registration, and Uyuni registration. For the Uyuni registration, I started with the generated bootstrap script and customized it with an Activation Key and the Ubuntu GPG keys (ubuntu-gpg-pubkey-871920D1991BC93C.key,uyuni-gpg-pubkey-0d20833e.key) . The registration script appears to work. If I look in Uyuni’s Salt->Keys page, I see the key, can approve it and the system shows up in the system list…. the first time. On subsequent VMs however, I see the key in the Salt->Keys page, can approve them, and then after some time I only see one of the two VMs in the system list, usually the last one added. While setting up the Uyuni server and VM template, it took me a while to figure out I was supposed to use the modified bootstrap script, so I had first tried to install salt packages on the template and thought that might be the problem. I took a hint from the bootstrap script and tried to run apt-get purge salt-minion apt-get purge salt-common rm -rf /etc/salt/minion.d/ on the template to clear any salt state, cleared systems and keys on the Uyuni server, and started over creating new VMs,… with the same result. Any suggestions on what could be going wrong? Thanks, Paul-Andre Panon, B.Sc. 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