Hello, Just FYI, while autoinstalling almalinux8 hosts in Uyuni 2021.05 I get the following warnings: Jun 15 06:52:45 localhost dracut-cmdline[346]: Warning: 'ks=http://X.X.X.X/cblr/svc/op/autoinstall/profile/almalinux8-x86_64:1:Organizat...' Jun 15 06:52:45 localhost dracut-cmdline[346]: Warning: ks has been deprecated. All usage of Anaconda boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix have been deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Please use inst.ks instead. Jun 15 06:52:45 localhost dracut-cmdline[346]: Warning: 'kssendmac=' Jun 15 06:52:45 localhost dracut-cmdline[346]: Warning: kssendmac has been deprecated. All usage of Anaconda boot arguments without 'inst.' prefix have been deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Please use inst.ks.sendmac instead. best regards, Jordi