On lunes, 12 de julio de 2021 16:45:12 (CEST) Heiner Wulfhorst wrote:
Hi Julio,
thanks for clearing that up! On my Uyuni Test System i added a new Channel and added my already configured Repo to it, then let it sync. Now in its reposync log it seems like all the RPMs are downloaded again?! Shouldn't uyuni know that it is the same repo?
# head another-hpe-g10-sles15.log 2021/07/12 16:36:18 +02:00 Command: ['/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync', '--channel', 'another-hpe-g10-sles15', '--type', 'yum', '--non-interactive'] 2021/07/12 16:36:18 +02:00 Sync of channel started. 2021/07/12 16:36:25 +02:00 Repo URL: https://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/spp-gen10/SUSE/15/x86_64/current 2021/07/12 16:36:25 +02:00 Packages in repo: 1102 2021/07/12 16:36:28 +02:00 Packages already synced: 0 2021/07/12 16:36:28 +02:00 Packages to sync: 1102 2021/07/12 16:36:28 +02:00 New packages to download: 821 2021/07/12 16:36:28 +02:00 Downloading packages: 2021/07/12 16:36:32 +02:00 1/821 : HP-CNA-FC-Broadcom-Enablement-Kit-12.0.1107.0-1.sles15sp0.x86_64.rpm 2021/07/12 16:36:36 +02:00 2/821 : HP-CNA-FC-Emulex-Enablement-Kit-
AFAIK, reposync does it because packages having exactly the same name could be different, and reposync does not track what other repositories were synced before. But if if they are the same, they won't get reimported. Maybe your reposync experts can tell us more.
Just to understand some background and probably avoid future problems: Why should i do it like that (configure multiple channels with this same repo) if all my systems are in lifecycle management? Or would adding the "foreign" Channel in Lifecycle Management be totally fine?
IIRC you need a "base channel" for Channel Lifecycle Management. All other channels you want to use must be children of that base channel. And AFAIK you can't really create a channel that's a child of several parents, to use it at the CLM.
Thanks, Heiner
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Am Mo., 12. Juli 2021 um 16:14 Uhr schrieb Julio Gonzalez <
In short:
Product-SLES15-SP2-Pool is for SLES 15SP2 Product-SLES15-Pool is for SLES 15 with no SP (so you can call it SLES 15SP0 as well, as some people call it)
The correct Pool must be used for your SP version.
I am not aware of how the HEP ssacli works, but if the repository is realy valid for all SLE15 versions, then:
1. Create a repository with that URL 2. Create one subchannel as a child of each Product-SLES15*-Pool channel 3. Assign the repository to all those channels.
Then you can work with Content Lifecycle Management normally :-)
Best regards.
On lunes, 12 de julio de 2021 15:56:10 (CEST) Heiner Wulfhorst wrote:
Hi List,
i need HPE ssacli on my uyuni managed Systems, so i added this Repository
as a Custom Channel: https://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/spp-gen10/SUSE/15/x86_64/current/
As it seems to be for all SLES Service Packs i created it as a child to
parent channel "SLE-Product-SLES15-Pool for x86_64".
My managed Systems have been installed with SLES SP2, so i added them to
staged ("lifecycle management") version of Base Channel
*SP2*-Pool for x86_64".
1. Within my Lifecycle Project I can add the "foreign" Child Channel
my Systems. But how would I accomplish this if my systems would be
the latest / upstream version? 2. Is there a "better" way to add Service Pack independent Software to my systems? 3. Should i even use "Product-SLES15-*SP2*-Pool" as a base channel for my Systems, or would it be better to use the general "
Product-SLES15-Pool"? 4. What is the difference between "Product-SLES15-*SP2*-Pool" and "Product-SLES15-Pool", how/when should
be used?
Hope to get a better understanding of how it is meant to be used so i can avoid possible future problems!
Thanks! Heiner
-- Julio González Gil Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni jgonzalez@suse.com
-- Julio González Gil Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni jgonzalez@suse.com