On miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021 17:20:52 (CEST) Robert Martens wrote:
So this is what I am looking at?
https://www.uyuni-project.org/uyuni-docs/uyuni/salt/custom-states.html#_cust om_state_to_trust_a_gpgkey
Sincerely, Bob Martens
Hard to tell, since you didn't specify what your GPG key issues are. But if you are talking about the GPG keys not being trusted at the clients, then yes. That's what you need if you use salt.
On Apr 21, 2021, at 10:17 AM, Julio González Gil <jgonzalez@suse.com> wrote:
Greetings! I have a Uyuni instance with, primarily, Leap 15.2 servers and I am wondering what is the best way to add repositories, especially in order to work around the GPG key issues I have been running into.
Depends on what GPG key problems you are are talking, as in this case there are two:
1. Running reposync
This one can be fixed by syncing once usign CLI (spacewalk-repo-sync) as that will ask if you want to trust the GPG key from the repository. At that point you can "trust always", and subsequent reposyncs will just work, from CLI, WebUI, API or any other method.
2. Installing the packages at the clients
As the clients do not trust the GPG key, you need to somehow trust it.
The best approach is using salt and a salt state, or otherwise adding the GPG key to the bootstrap script (if used).
It's what we describe for the Client Tools, as it's precisely this case: https://www.uyuni-project.org/uyuni-docs/uyuni/client-configuration/client s-opensuse.html#_trust_gpg_keys_on_clients
As for how to add the repositories:
1. To the server: https://www.uyuni-project.org/uyuni-docs/uyuni/administration/custom-chan nels.html> 2. Then of course you need to add the new channel to clients: - New clients: use activation keys - Existing clients: There are several ways but find myself using System Set
Manager and System Groups, to avoid doing the change to each client individually https://www.uyuni-project.org/uyuni-docs/uyuni/client-configuration/s ystem-set-manager.html https://www.uyuni-project.org/uyuni-docs/uyuni/client-configuration/s ystem-groups.html> On miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021 15:54:35 (CEST) Bob Martens wrote:
-- Julio González Gil Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni jgonzalez@suse.com