I have configured a repository and channel for Zabbix 5.4. It syncs and works as expected. For SUSE systems, I have unchecked "Enable GPG Check", and it works fine. Now, I have setup a repository for this for CentOS 7, but it gives errors similar to the following, when trying to install a package: "Public key for zabbix-agent2-5.4.5-1.el7.x86_64.rpm is not installed". It seems that just unchecking GPG check doesn't work with yum as it does with zypper. In the GPG section, for "GPG Key URL", I have put " http://repo.zabbix.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-ZABBIX-A14FE591" I'm not sure what to put for "GPG Key ID" or "GPG Key Fingerprint". The key in the URL is correct, because I can manually install that one on the client and have it work. How do I get this to work when the channel is associated with a CentOS system (as it does on SLES), without having to manually import that key on the system? Thanks. Allen B. -- Allen Beddingfield Systems Engineer Office of Information Technology The University of Alabama Office 205-348-2251 allen@ua.edu