I think I may have discovered the answer to my own question, with using System Groups. Is that the preferred method for accomplishing this? -- Allen Beddingfield Systems Engineer Office of Information Technology The University of Alabama Office 205-348-2251 allen@ua.edu ________________________________________ From: Allen Beddingfield <allen@ua.edu> Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 3:30 PM To: uyuni-users@opensuse.org Subject: [EXTERNAL] How do I apply a highstate to a group of systems? I have created a state channel, with an init.sls entered that deploys a package, and pulls in a couple of files that are attached to the state channel. If I add that state channel to a system, and apply the highstate to that system, it works. However, what I need is a way to apply the highstate to a group of systems. What I want to do is to attach this to about 100 systems, and have it deploy - without having to individually go to each system and click "apply high state". Surely there is a way to do this? With config channels, I would deploy files by adding all the systems, selecting the files to deploy, and deploying them to all systems. I don't see any option from the state channel to apply it to all systems. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks. Allen B. -- Allen Beddingfield Systems Engineer Office of Information Technology The University of Alabama Office 205-348-2251 allen@ua.edu