Hi all, I have noticed that "gpgcheck" parameter is now set to 1 in the susemanager:channels.repo repo client configuration. I have compared with servers registered before the upgrade to 2020.07, and GPG check was deactivated. Do you know why this change ? Is there a way to deactivate it again, or perhaps automatically import the GPG keys while registering the server in Uyuni ? Regards, Philippe. Philippe Bidault | Unix Engineer Getronics ________________________________ M. 34617301667 | E. Philippe.Bidault@Getronics.com | W. www.getronics.com [cid:M17520GetronicsConnectingPossibilitiesE-Sig425x204_e1803ca0-99a5-4a65-abd8-074c86bf11aa.png]<http://www.getronics.com/> <http://www.linkedin.com/company/2077785>[cid:LinkedIn_4aeb630a-f385-4f22-927e-31323d2554b8.png]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/2077785> [cid:Twitter_6c9cce61-b2e3-49d4-991c-e799d031f1ae.png] <https://twitter.com/Getronics> <http://twitter.com/Getronics> [cid:Youtube_5150f807-4ba8-46a3-bbbf-038ccfdc2793.png] <https://www.youtube.com/user/getronicsonline?feature=results_main> <http://www.youtube.com/user/getronicsonline?feature=results_main> sign-info <http://www.getronics.com/knowledge-share/news-and-events/ovum.php#sthash.cbKPq4wA.bnvveIrq.dpbs> Getronics CMC Service Desk Iberia S.L - VAT No:S.L.: B66686262. Registered Office - Getronics CMC Service Desk Iberia S.L, C/Rosselloi, Porcel, 21 planta 11, 08016 Barcelona, Spain. The information transmitted is intended only for use by the addressee and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of it, or the taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons and/or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please inform the sender and/or addressee immediately and delete the material. Thank you. Legal disclaimer: http://www.getronics.com/legal/