I don't recall we ever shipped Salt 2019 to Stable. Maybe you got those packages from the "Master" client tools? Those client tools are not production ready. Please check what repositories you are using on that CentOS7 client (and any other CentOS7 clients). Make sure they are the Stable repositories. If they are not, change the CentoS7 clients to the Stable repositories (you can use "System Set Manager" if you want to change several clients at the same time) Then update the salt packages at the CentOS7 clients (you will get salt 3000), and the problem should go away. On viernes, 5 de marzo de 2021 17:18:39 (CET) Tim Shaw wrote:
Many thanks - here is the result
salt-2019.2.3-18.1.uyuni.x86_64 python2-salt-2019.2.3-18.1.uyuni.x86_64 salt-minion-2019.2.3-18.1.uyuni.x86_64
*Please note I am not normally in the office on Mondays or Fridays* ___________________________________________________________ TIM SHAW - Deputy Director - Network Services Medical Sciences Division - University of Oxford email : tim.shaw@medsci.ox.ac.uk tel : +44 (0)1865 289480
Julio González Gil <jgonzalez@suse.com> 05/03/2021 14:51 >>>
Can you provide the output of:
rpm ‑qa|grep salt
At that CentOS7 minion?
On viernes, 5 de marzo de 2021 15:05:48 (CET) Tim Shaw wrote:
Thanks to all who offered advice during the very long 13 hour
schema update on my Uyuni system!
Since the update completed I've been testing things today and the
issue I see is that hitherto trouble free CentOS7 client systems will
no longer apply patches scheduled from Uyuni. If the packages rather
the patches are scheduled there is no problem.
SLES based systems appear to be patching just fine....
The errors look like this:
Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: [ERROR ] An exception occurred
in this
state: Traceback (most recent call last): Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site‑packages/salt/state.py",
1939, in call Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: ret = self.states[cdata['full']](*cdata['args'], **cdata['kwargs']) Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site‑packages/salt/loader.py", line 2006, in
Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: return f(*args, **kwargs) Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site‑packages/salt/states/pkg.py", line 2160, in patch_installed Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: targets = _find_advisory_targets(name, advisory_ids, **kwargs) Mar 5 13:40:24
salt‑minion: File
line 386, in _find_advisory_targets Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix
cur_patches = __salt__['pkg.list_installed_patches'](**kwargs) Mar
13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site‑packages/salt/modules/yumpkg.py", line 3273,
list_installed_pat ches Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: return
Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site‑packages/salt/modules/yumpkg.py", line 3222,
_get_patches Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: line).groups() Mar 5 13:40:24 zabbix salt‑minion: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object
has no
attribute 'groups'
Can anyone offer any ideas as to where to start troubleshooting this
(rebooting the CentOS7 client makes no difference) ?
*Please note I am not normally in the office on Mondays or Fridays* ___________________________________________________________ TIM SHAW ‑ Deputy Director ‑ Network Services Medical Sciences Division ‑ University of Oxford email : tim.shaw@medsci.ox.ac.uk tel : +44 (0)1865 289480
‑‑ Julio González Gil Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni jgonzalez@suse.com
-- Julio González Gil Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni jgonzalez@suse.com