[SLE] Fw: [SLE] Shameless plug: Vote for SuSE

-----Original Message----- From: Nelson Marques <nmarques@netual.pt> To: Jack Barnett <jbarnett@axil.netmate.com>; paul <smartart@cableinet.co.uk>; Lenz Grimmer <grimmer@suse.de>; SuSE Linux Mailing List <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Date: Thursday, June 29, 2000 6:31 PM Subject: Re: [SLE] Shameless plug: Vote for SuSE
The more I read the more I laugh... do you know what we call here in pt to these things... Holly Warz... Well when it comes to holly warz, I walk away, everyone has ideas on what they use and why... Let me just tell you something that made me change to red hat (some say red crap)....
1. I hate SuSEconfig, it doesnt help!!! 2. Yast2 crashes too much, even Netscape is more stable!! 3. I hate self-partitioning installers... I like to do my partitions (SuSE 6.4) I never actually tested much of it!! Just installed it once 4. It has a lot of crap 5. RPM dependencies fail a lot... (Not SuSEŽs fault, thereŽs no fuv$%#" standards... about the nameŽs of libraries and so on....) 6. Easier to find pre-compiled binaries for RedHat or Mandrake than to SuSE.
SuSEŽs Best:
1. The prittiest GUI installer 2. Reasonable Price 3. Linux Snapshot 4. Nice Manual (never readed it to exaustion, but it seemed something nice for newbies) 5. Easy to find on sale 6. X Servers for graphical boards (The XFCom_.....Žs) 7. nice ftp site 8. Support by email is fast
SuSEŽs great for beginers (sure, better than Corel, Corel is even worst than windows)... For me, it already had it time.... I bough SuSE since 5.1 until 6.3 never missed one... ;p
Something now that I think it is very relevant, no more argues on who is best, Linux is Linux, so people want to use it, nice, I dont give support to 14 year old kids that wreck their PC, just because in Linux they have many xploits they could use on IRC... In Portugal one year ago, some magzines offered RedHat Linux, the IRC Group PTnet became flooded with kids asking "Where Can I find nukes ??" "how can I connect to the internet ??" "what is a winmodem ??" "How can I hack the pentagon ???" and stuff like that... Well most newbies are lame kids, I learned much reading docs, they dont want to read, they want to nuke and burn... They dont want to use Linux as an OS but as a war affair IRC/Internet application... Besides that it isnt applications like YaST2, XDrakeŽs and stuff like them that will make Linux reach the Desktop of normal people who arent related to informatics.... they can install it, nice.... But they cant configure it and cant use it because they are so lame that cant read a damn document or HOWTO... And if such a application fails, well they just say "Linux sucks", they cant hack some computer they used to do with Back Orifice on Windoze Machines, "Linux is a fake".... I dont care a sh1t about people like them... It doesnt matter who uses it or wich one they use...
Why am I in a SuSE mailling list if I dont use SuSE anymore... well, you can always kick me out or we maybe someday can be changing opinions on services and stuff like that, /etc/fstab are always the same in all of them like so many other files ;p Got the point ???
Nelson Marques
Benko was built on NT Technology... UEFA uses NT (Not Trustable).... Result: Damn penalty :\...
<no flames>
Be fair, SuSE ahs to have a newbie interface. Red Hat's made me realise that Linux (my first attempt had been with Caldera 1.3) that it was possible to get Linux running without *all* the reading of the man pages. It's easier to learn once you've got a working installation. How many newbies like me walked away from Linux because of their first bad experience? At least SuSE's Yast2 does install the packages that it says its going to - unlike Red Hat 6.1.
</no flames>
Anyway, the more that try Linux, of any flavour (including Corel <bg>) pref SuSE's, the better.
Paul Hornshaw ----- Original Message ----- From: Nelson Marques <nmarques@netual.pt> To: Lenz Grimmer <grimmer@suse.de>; SuSE Linux Mailing List <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 2:41 PM Subject: Re: [SLE] Shameless plug: Vote for SuSE
Sure... voted... anyway try to get yast2 out of my sight... ;p SuSE loss many users here in portugal due to YaST2... the damn thing even crashes when detecting a AWE64 sound card....
No flames man... flames > /dev/null
Nelson Marques
I couldn't resist :)
Bye, LenZ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Lenz Grimmer SuSE GmbH mailto:grimmer@suse.de Schanzaeckerstr. 10 http://www.suse.de/~grimmer/ 90443 Nuernberg, Germany Your lucky color is fading.
RedHat 11.59 % (43) Corel Linux 0.54 % (2) SuSE 69.54 % (258) Stampede 0.27 % (1) Mandrake 10.51 % (39) Debian 7.01 % (26) OpenLinux 0.54 % (2) Total votes: 371
SuSE is in the lead, how about spaming the other suse mail lists and see if we can get it up to 90% :)
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1. I hate SuSEconfig, it doesnt help!!!
I reckon it is one of the best things in SuSE
2. Yast2 crashes too much, even Netscape is more stable!!
Done 2 separate installs with it, no problems (except sound cards)
3. I hate self-partitioning installers... I like to do my partitions
Had that problem with FreeBSD, used to set my own slices (optional in install)
6.4) I never actually tested much of it!! Just installed it once
Not a lot of basis for argument, then :)
4. It has a lot of crap
It's up to you what you install
5. RPM dependencies fail a lot... (Not SuSEŽs fault, thereŽs no fuv$%#" standards... about the nameŽs of libraries and so on....)
I think all distros suffer from this!
6. Easier to find pre-compiled binaries for RedHat or Mandrake than to SuSE.
Great things don't usually come easy :)
SuSEŽs Best:
1. The prittiest GUI installer 2. Reasonable Price 3. Linux Snapshot 4. Nice Manual (never readed it to exaustion, but it seemed something nice for newbies) 5. Easy to find on sale 6. X Servers for graphical boards (The XFCom_.....Žs) 7. nice ftp site 8. Support by email is fast
snipped <
I also agree with the further comments re: Script - Kiddies. I am still on the mailing list for FreeBSD. I find it handy to keep up with developments in other areas. There is also the odd(?) occasion when someone says something re: Linux, that is plainly wrong, and I can gently(!) put them right, even though I consider myself to be a "Newbie" to Linux. -- This Email is 100% Virus Free! How do I know? Because no Microsoft products were used to generate it! Regards Don Hansford ECKYTECH COMPUTING SuSE Linux 6.4 -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/support/faq

Don and Nelson, (I'm combining my responses below)
1. I hate SuSEconfig, it doesnt help!!!
I reckon it is one of the best things in SuSE
I agree! I had RedHat 5.1 before I switched to SuSE, and their mix-matched bunch of configuration utilities was horrible. Need to configure sound? type this. Need to configure networking? do that. Ack. YaST and SuSEconfig create a unified base for most configuration. I just hope YaST2's administration side grows to be like YaST1.
2. Yast2 crashes too much, even Netscape is more stable!!
Done 2 separate installs with it, no problems (except sound cards)
Don, What type of card do you have? I had problems with my AU8820 based card, but YaST2 works like a dream. Nelson: not sure how RedHat 6.x is, but have you ever noticed how buggy RH 5.1's installer was? It wasn't smart enough to catch a lot of problems it encountered. Ack! YaST1 was better than that too.
3. I hate self-partitioning installers... I like to do my partitions
Had that problem with FreeBSD, used to set my own slices (optional in install)
Don, just curious, how does the FreeBSD installer compare to SuSE Linux 6.3/6.4? Nelson, why didn't you pick the option for self-partitioning? If you click custom partitioning, you get a very nice GUI partitioner. I used it since I had a Windows partition I didn't want to loose, and it worked great! I liked the fact you can choose how indepth you wanted to go. For instance, when I bought my first RedHat CD, I had no idea how the UNIX file-system layout worked (what is a /boot partition, why do I need it, etc.). So I spent probably 20 minutes reading whether I needed to have a /var partition, etc. With YaST2, I can choose to do it myself (since I know what I'm doing more or less now) or let the system save me from the manual.
4. It has a lot of crap
It's up to you what you install
Nelson, perhaps you have a high-speed connection? I'm on a 28.8 line, so it's wonderful for me. I spent over an hour picking and choosing all the apps I needed on the CD, so when my system booted for the first time, I was all set. Otherwise, I would have been downloading stuff for days, or even weeks! I'd have to get XMMS, and StarOffice, and my favorite KDE apps from the KPA (alpha and non-official apps) category.
6. Easier to find pre-compiled binaries for RedHat or Mandrake than to SuSE.
Great things don't usually come easy :)
Nelson, I haven't installed a lot of RedHat stuff, after all, why do you need to when you have all that great stuff on the CD? However, I have installed Everybuddy, Joereg Promminetz's (sp?) XFSFT RPM's, and XMMS (when I had 6.1, which had an older version) all without a glitch. Only ones I had trouble with was when I tried installing something off of my RedHat CD.
SuSEŽs Best:
1. The prittiest GUI installer 2. Reasonable Price 3. Linux Snapshot 4. Nice Manual (never readed it to exaustion, but it seemed something nice for newbies) 5. Easy to find on sale
Nelson, that's for sure! Every time RedHat raises it's price, Windows looks cheaper! <g> What is it, $79 for a three CD's of free software, a manual that is smaller than SuSE's, and a month of support? For ten bucks more you can get proprietary Windows with 90 days of support! -Tim ----------------------------------------------------------------- Timothy R. Butler Universal Networks Information Tech. Consultant Christian Web Services Since 1996 ICQ #12495932 AIM: Uninettm An Authorized IPSwitch Reseller tbutler@uninetsolutions.com http://www.uninetsolutions.com ===================== "Solutions that Work" ===================== -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/support/faq

"Timothy R. Butler" wrote:
Don, What type of card do you have? I had problems with my AU8820 based card, but YaST2 works like a dream.
One of those really uncommon ones - a genuine SB Vibra 16 :) As soon as I ran OSS, I had sound, YaST2 said I didn't have a sound card.
Don, just curious, how does the FreeBSD installer compare to SuSE Linux 6.3/6.4?
Very similar to Yast1. Steps you through in a series of text screens, with multiple choices on most areas. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone at SuSE had seen it before, and decided to build Yast1 along a similar plan! (LenZ ??) First time I used Yast I felt right at home :) -- This Email is 100% Virus Free! How do I know? Because no Microsoft products were used to generate it! Regards Don Hansford ECKYTECH COMPUTING SuSE Linux 6.4 -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/support/faq
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