[S.u.S.E. Linux] Very new...

Hi all, First, please forgive me for asking a very simple (to an experienced user) question. I think there is a list for newbies somewhere though... anyone know? Anyway, I have the following situation. I have 4 partitions. On C: I have Windows 95. On D: I have Windows NT4, on E: I have Quake 2, and my last partition, F:, is reserved for Linux. Erm... C: 2Gb D: 1.5Gb E: 500Mb F: 1Gb I want to install Linux onto F: but I'm fed up with having to repartition my disks. I've done it about 5 times this week! Even though I suppose it's no hassle, it takes about 2 hours getting my system back to speed in terms of reinstalling NT et al. Is the only way to get Suse on my system to re-partition everything and start from scratch? If so [ :-( ] can somebody tell me the best way of splitting up the 1Gb - I really want it to do development on for college (I need a decent C++ compiler). I want the X-Windows environment too, but the 5.0 distribution isn't compatible with my Mystique 220, right? I downloaded what appears to me to be updated drivers (?) for the card, but WinZIP keeps asking me for the filename contained within the archive (I think they're RPM or something). Obviously I can't use WinZIP when I'm installing the drivers - but what is in the archive, so to speak? And my last question - will there be any problem with my HD. It's a Maxtor Diamond Max 5Gb (just bought it a few days ago) and I'm having to use the EZ-BIOS that comes with it, since my BIOS doesn't support disks > 2Gb. Do you think it'll be okay? Anyway - sorry again to be so clueless, but I'm entirely from an NT/95 background. Thanks for any help you can offer. Richard Sobey. -- To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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