Hi, only for the record, sitting here for about a half day to figure out a problem using systemrescuecd version 9.0.2 and 9.0.4 making backup of a ntfs (windows 10 embeddend) drive: command is: mount -t ntfs3 /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2 tar -c -v -j --ignore-failed-read -f /mnt/nfs/simon/Dokumente/sda2-lind-NEU.tar.bz2 sda2 2>/mnt/nfs/simon/Dokumente/sda2-lind-NEU-tar-error.txt will stop about 6.2gb with drop of iptables and other error messages / stuck of complete system. ================== ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2 tar -c -v -j --ignore-failed-read -f /mnt/nfs/simon/Dokumente/sda2-lind-NEU.tar.bz2 sda2 2>/mnt/nfs/simon/Dokumente/sda2-lind-NEU-tar-error.txt this will work. ============ so in my opinion, the "new" kernel ntfs driver is not ready to use. i do not know if this problems is known at linux kernel developer. have made about 10-20 tests, always same result. simoN -- www.becherer.de ----------------------------------------------- - Das ist die vorlaeufig endgueltige Version! - Herbert C. Maier Dipl.-Ing. (FH) -----------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Simon Becherer