"jar xf" doesn't work properly?

Hello, While rebuilding the jDictionary source rpm, I just found, that the error message I get is related to the two lines of the .spec file I copied below:
jar xf ../jdictionary.jar META-INF resources mv META-INF/MANIFEST.MF .
Concerning the man page of jar, the format of the first line is correct, but the second command simply can't be executed, because "jar xf" doesn't do the job; the listed two folders don't get extracted at all. The man page refers to listed folders being extracted recursively, which just doesn't happen here. In case I remove the directory names, and use "jar xf ../jdictionary.jar", it works perfectly and extracts all of the stuff from the archive (at least on my SUSE 9.1). I have no idea, how the features of the jar command changed trough the time, but it's quite strange, that SUSE's own .spec doesn't build (I tried the source rpm of 9.1 and 9.2 as well) because the above anomalities. Could anyone comment this please, or let me know, where I missed the point?! Thanks, Pelibali
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