It has happened to me before, if you drop the .dat file inside a text editor, you will find some text maybe from a forwarded message, then some binary data maybe from an attachment. I suppose the .dat file is some (badly documented) way to forward messages from a MS client (who knows which, Outlook?) LeoRivas "Steve Kratz" < Para: <> > cc: Asunto: RE: [SLE] MS DAT Files... 12/08/2004 15:24
My wife got a M$ dat file in an email. Can someone tell me how to open it? Thanks, JIM
If you have it on a Linux box now, save it out from the message, and from a term window do a "file msfile.dat" on it-- might say what it is. Steve -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the archives at Please read the FAQs:
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