Dear All, Finally I have samba 2.28a working between my Suse 8.2 and husband's win98 desktop for sharing files. No more $IPC password error-----hurrray! Thanks to those who helped me with that issue. :-) Now, the one thing left is printing. I have the only printer (HP 940c) desktop connected parallel style to my husband's win 98. I have it installed with the HP drivers that it comes with and setup for sharing from that end I believe. I setup printing in my Suse 8.2 from yast using smb choice. It will not do a test print from there. When I do smbclient commands for printing the printer does print but it prints gibberish and many pages come flying out. It is obviously not understanding my Suse 8.2 commands but is getting contacted which is my first sign of progress. Do I need to set up the HP940c as postscript , raw or what? I am not sure if the problem is at the Suse 8.2 end or the windows end. Maybe both sides need work. ;-) I have read and studied everything about this in the docs and mailing lists, google, etc, for a month,but I am still not quite sure how to get this to work. My linux(Suse 8.2) is the samba server but does not have the printer hooked up to it directly. My windows 98 does have the printer hooked up to it and prints fine locally. Any help will be very appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcia
On 03/05/2004 01:43 AM, marcia wrote:
Do I need to set up the HP940c as postscript , raw or what?
You should set it up as HP 940c. According to it is perfectly supported, and you should use the hpijs driver.
My linux(Suse 8.2) is the samba server but does not have the printer hooked up to it directly. My windows 98 does have the printer hooked up to it and prints fine locally.
I run the exact same setup, a Win98 shared printer and 8.2. I have used the KDE Printer Manager to setup the printer with great success, and would highly recommend trying it. -- Joe Morris New Tribes Mission Email Address: Web Address: Registered Linux user 231871 God said, I AM that I AM. I say, by the grace of God, I am what I am.
Now, the one thing left is printing. I have the only printer (HP 940c) desktop connected parallel style to my husband's win 98. I have it installed with the HP drivers that it comes with and setup for sharing from that end I believe. I have an HP PSC2210. I was printing from my SuSE 8.2 and now from 9.0 using CUPS. I set it up through YaST. Initially, the PSC210 was not
On Thu, 04 Mar 2004 11:43:16 -0600 marcia <> wrote: listed in the printer driver database, but I configured it using a similar printer. Yast/Hardware/Print/configure/Print via SMB Edit in your Workgroup and host name. (On 8.2 if I recall, I had difficulty using the ip address, but it worked fine using the host name of the Windows system). The lookup the name of the remote printer. (Make sure your husband has that shared). Fill out the next panel and test. Make sure that local filtering is clicked. You can also set the printer up directly using CUPS. -- Jerry Feldman <> Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9 PGP Key fingerprint:053C 73EC 3AC1 5C44 3E14 9245 FB00 3ED5 C506 1EA9
participants (3)
Jerry Feldman
Joe Morris (NTM)