Hello, I'm trying to install PHP 4.3 on a Suse Professional 9.1 system (A Dell PC). It's going to run with Apache 1.3 and MySQL. I get the following problems when I try and install it from RPM. usr/sbin/apachectl start Syntax error on line 8 of /etc/httpd/suse_loadmodule.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.so into server: /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.so: undefined symbol: sprint_value /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started This is what an rpm -qa of my packages shows: php4-bcmath-4.3.4-26 php4-curl-4.3.4-26 php4-domxml-4.3.4-26 php4-ftp-4.3.4-26 php4-iconv-4.3.4-26 php4-mcal-4.3.4-26 php4-mysql-4.3.4-26 php4-readline-4.3.4-26 php4-shmop-4.3.4-26 php4-sysvshm-4.3.4-26 php4-yp-4.3.4-26 php4-4.3.4-26 php4-bz2-4.3.4-26 php4-ctype-4.3.4-26 php4-dba-4.3.4-26 php4-devel-4.3.4-26 php4-exif-4.3.4-26 php4-filepro-4.3.4-26 php4-gd-4.3.4-26 php4-gmp-4.3.4-26 php4-imap-4.3.4-26 php4-mbstring-4.3.4-26 php4-mcrypt-4.3.4-26 php4-mime_magic-4.3.4-26 php4-pear-4.3.4-26 php4-qtdom-4.3.4-26 php4-recode-4.3.4-26 php4-session-4.3.4-26 php4-sockets-4.3.4-26 php4-sysvsem-4.3.4-26 php4-unixODBC-4.3.4-26 php4-xslt-4.3.4-26 php4-zlib-4.3.4-26 php4-snmp-4.3.4-26 php4-calendar-4.3.4-26 php4-dbase-4.3.4-26 php4-fastcgi-4.3.4-26 php4-gettext-4.3.4-26 php4-ldap-4.3.4-26 php4-mhash-4.3.4-26 php4-pgsql-4.3.4-26 php4-servlet-4.3.4-26 php4-swf-4.3.4-26 php4-wddx-4.3.4-26 mod_php4-4.3.3-50 apache-1.3.28-74 I did a google search. This is a known error in Red Hat with the SNMP package, but it was supposed to be fixed with PHP 4.3 Notes: Yes, I'm aware that the version of the mod_php is not the same as the php version, but I can't find a mod_php rpm that matches the php rpm's exactly. I had to do a --nodep on the mod_php rpm to get it to install. I don't, however, think that this is causing the problem I'm seeing. Has anyone seen this problem? Thanks, Braun Brelin
Where did you get the RPMS from? Are you getting them through Yast, and the SuSE install disks? Neal
I'm trying to install PHP 4.3 on a Suse Professional 9.1 system (A Dell PC). It's going to run with Apache 1.3 and MySQL.
I get the following problems when I try and install it from RPM.
usr/sbin/apachectl start Syntax error on line 8 of /etc/httpd/suse_loadmodule.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.so into server: /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.so: undefined symbol: sprint_value /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
This is what an rpm -qa of my packages shows:
php4-bcmath-4.3.4-26 php4-curl-4.3.4-26 php4-domxml-4.3.4-26 php4-ftp-4.3.4-26 php4-iconv-4.3.4-26 php4-mcal-4.3.4-26 php4-mysql-4.3.4-26 php4-readline-4.3.4-26 php4-shmop-4.3.4-26 php4-sysvshm-4.3.4-26 php4-yp-4.3.4-26 php4-4.3.4-26 php4-bz2-4.3.4-26 php4-ctype-4.3.4-26 php4-dba-4.3.4-26 php4-devel-4.3.4-26 php4-exif-4.3.4-26 php4-filepro-4.3.4-26 php4-gd-4.3.4-26 php4-gmp-4.3.4-26 php4-imap-4.3.4-26 php4-mbstring-4.3.4-26 php4-mcrypt-4.3.4-26 php4-mime_magic-4.3.4-26 php4-pear-4.3.4-26 php4-qtdom-4.3.4-26 php4-recode-4.3.4-26 php4-session-4.3.4-26 php4-sockets-4.3.4-26 php4-sysvsem-4.3.4-26 php4-unixODBC-4.3.4-26 php4-xslt-4.3.4-26 php4-zlib-4.3.4-26 php4-snmp-4.3.4-26 php4-calendar-4.3.4-26 php4-dbase-4.3.4-26 php4-fastcgi-4.3.4-26 php4-gettext-4.3.4-26 php4-ldap-4.3.4-26 php4-mhash-4.3.4-26 php4-pgsql-4.3.4-26 php4-servlet-4.3.4-26 php4-swf-4.3.4-26 php4-wddx-4.3.4-26 mod_php4-4.3.3-50 apache-1.3.28-74
I did a google search. This is a known error in Red Hat with the SNMP package, but it was supposed to be fixed with PHP 4.3
Notes: Yes, I'm aware that the version of the mod_php is not the same as the php version, but I can't find a mod_php rpm that matches the php rpm's exactly. I had to do a --nodep on the mod_php rpm to get it to install. I don't, however, think that this is causing the problem I'm seeing.
Has anyone seen this problem?
Braun Brelin
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Braun Brelin