Hi all... How can I do a screen shot at the command line? That is without X-windows. TIA! JIM -- Jim Hatridge Linux User #88484 ------------------------------------------------------ BayerWulf Linux System # 129656 The Recycled Beowulf Project Looking for throw-away or obsolete computers and parts to recycle into a Linux super computer Viel Feind -- Viel Ehr' Anti-US Propaganda stamp collection http://www.fuzzybunnymilitia.org/~hatridge/collection

On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 05:54, James Hatridge wrote:
Hi all...
How can I do a screen shot at the command line? That is without X-windows.
If all you want is the output from a command to go to the printer you could use something like: command-to-run | lp This will print the results of the command on your default printer. -- Ken Schneider unix user since 1989 linux user since 1994 SuSE user since 1998 (5.2)

--- James Hatridge <James.Hatridge@epost.de> wrote:
Hi all...
How can I do a screen shot at the command line? That is without X-windows.
Assuming you want the output, do: command 2>&1 ./some_file HTH, Thomas Adam __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears http://launch.yahoo.com/promos/britneyspears/
participants (4)
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
James Hatridge
Ken Schneider
Thomas Adam