[SuSE Linux] Ack! Connectivity degradation

Hello from my Minicom connection... I am having major problems with my PPP stuff, and I can't figure out what has caused it. The first signs showed up a couple of days ago when I was fetching some mail off of my ISP server. All of a sudden, the transfer essentially stopped. Thinking I had gotten a bad connection, I (using wvdial .41) reconnected. Now, nothing would work. No telnet, no W3, no POP3, No IMAP, nothing. In a panic, I fell back on Kppp. It worked for telnet and W3, but the mail transfer was abysmally slow. So, I thought I'd try to modify named.boot to see if that would make a difference. Nope. I re-commented what I had modified and went to class. Upon returning, I discovered that I could not connect at all! My pppd kept dying. Puzzled, I manually tried launching pppd. It returned that I did not have Kernel support for PPP. I am at a loss, really. Does anyone have any ideas? I seriosly have not touched a thing besides named.boot, which I quickly reset to normal. I am running SuSE 5.2 with the 2.0.33 kernel. I have tried both kppp and wvdial, both of which worked perfectly before. Thanks in advance! Chris - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e

On 08-Sep-98 Chris Mayes wrote:
Hello from my Minicom connection... I am having major problems with my PPP stuff, and I can't figure out what has caused it. The first signs showed up a couple of days ago when I was fetching some mail off of my ISP server. All of a sudden, the transfer essentially stopped. Thinking I
Hi I too found that ppp ran like a dog ( compared to a well used slackware setup I'de been using ). It turned out to be a number of things. 1) My modem seemed to have got a bit mixed up with its internal settings so I reset them to the factory default ROM config ( using AZT4 in a USR modem). 2) Tme default mtu/mru on /dev/ppp0 was 1500 bytes which is way to big for a modem line. I've droped them to 296 now. Use the Setup/pppd options in Kppp. These two things fixed the problems I was having. ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Peter Onion <ponion@srd.bt.co.uk> Date: 09-Sep-98 Time: 09:45:10 This message was sent by XFMail ---------------------------------- - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e

Hi! Trying to kill the keyboard, cmayes@adenine.frognet.net produced:
server. All of a sudden, the transfer essentially stopped. Thinking I had gotten a bad connection, I (using wvdial .41) reconnected. Now, nothing would work. No telnet, no W3, no POP3, No IMAP, nothing. In a panic, I fell back on Kppp. It worked for telnet and W3, but the mail transfer was abysmally slow. So, I thought I'd try to modify named.boot
If you have honestly not changed a thing, either your software changed itself (pretty unlikely), your modem/serial port is dying or their modem is dying (but that would not affect only mail) or --- maybe they have/had (transient?) errors with the phone lines and/or their pop-server. However, without debug-output there's nothing we can do but guess. -Wolfgang -- PGP 2 welcome: Mail me, subject "send PGP-key". If you've nothing at all to hide, you must be boring. Unsolicited Bulk E-Mails: *You* pay for ads you never wanted. - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e
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