Hello, As a newbie can someone tell me how to record / burn wav files to cdda for playing in the car . Thanks Rodney
On 28 Apr 2002, rodney wrote:
Hello, As a newbie can someone tell me how to record / burn wav files to cdda for playing in the car . Thanks Rodney
You are either going to use burning tools from the console (1) or using some GUI frontend (2). (1) cdparanoia (does DAE) and cdrecord (burns data and/or audio). (2) KOnCD. See Chapter 7 [Burning CDs with KOnCD] of the SuSE Linux Application book. To rip the audio, use GRIP or cdparanoia straight from the CLI. The info you want is already widely available in many forms online. I'd recommend you go see: http://ibooklinux.sourceforge.net/php/ibooklinux_g_h.php3?single= 16 http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/CD-Writing-HOWTO.html I'm sure if you post back with more information, you will be give much better help. -- Karol Pietrzak PGP KeyID: 3A1446A0
participants (2)
Karol Pietrzak