SPAM: Re: [SLE] Protecting those expensive electronics
Things that one needs to consider in looking at surge protectors vs UPS are: - what happens to your system if power is interrupted? Can your system survive intact with no file damage if the power is suddenly interrupted? If not, buy a UPS. You use Reiserfs? Maybe XFS? Buy a UPS. Also, I have, on two occasions, had customers who were able to replace damaged equipment and have their UPS repaired under the UPS warranty. In those cases, the warranty provided for replacement of up to US$50,000 of damaged equipment that was connected to the UPS. As for battery replacement, one UPS company here in the US that imports its stuff from China has a 3 year, all inclusive warranty that basically says that if the unit quits for any reason, send it back and they will fix it for free. I have taken them up on their offer three times (for clients). They replaced the bad batteries and did circuit upgrades, all free. What a deal. So, the $125 or so that it cost to buy it was a bargain in the long run. Always surge protect every external connection to the computer: phone, DSL, cable, coax from TV antenna, whatever. I live in an area known for violent thunderstorms and much equipment is lost to spikes: modems, DSL modems, motherboards, etc. A surge protector is cheap compared to the potential loss. Fred
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