I wanted to have a console connected to a serial port so I could login with a serial terminal. The SuSE book didn't mention this but I found what I wanted in the mailing list archive in a message dated Sun May 14 2000. I recompiled the kernel with serial support and now I can login on the serial port but there is one problem. The serial port doesn't let me login as root. The only thing I could find on this is a setting in /etc/rc.config but I don't want to allow root for net logins, I only want to allow root login on the serial port. How can I do this? Damon Register
hi, try editing /etc/securetty. greetings dan ----- Original Message ----- From: "Damon Register" <dregiste@bellsouth.net> To: <suse-linux-e@suse.com> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 3:19 AM Subject: [SLE] Serial Console and root login
I wanted to have a console connected to a serial port so I could login with a serial terminal. The SuSE book didn't mention this but I found what I wanted in the mailing list archive in a message dated Sun May 14 2000. I recompiled the kernel with serial support and now I can login on the serial port but there is one problem. The serial port doesn't let me login as root. The only thing I could find on this is a setting in /etc/rc.config but I don't want to allow root for net logins, I only want to allow root login on the serial port. How can I do this?
Damon Register
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"da@younics" wrote:
try editing /etc/securetty. Thanks to all who answered. I didn't know about securetty because it was not mentioned in any of the books that I have. Although there were no notes in securetty, I found that "man securetty" gave me enough info. I put the serial port in and it works. Thanks
Damon Register
participants (2)
Damon Register