Hi, I have SuSE 9.1 Pro, Kde 3.4.1. I use apt-get to keep up-to-date the system. Now, I found in the apt repository (or maybe it is part of 9.1) a package kio_svn, which is supposed to enable svn:// links in konqueror. I guess it is for KDE 3.1, as its version number shows a date in June 2004. But I can not find a newer version of this package. I even tried to look for it in 9.3, but it is not there as well. So, does anyone knows where I can find this package? Or, some nice GUI for Subversion? On their site they have a link to rapidsvn, but ... it is an year old, and I can not find rpms for 9.1 or 9.3. Cheers Sunny
2005/6/22, Sunny <sloncho@gmail.com>:
Hi, I have SuSE 9.1 Pro, Kde 3.4.1.
I use apt-get to keep up-to-date the system.
Now, I found in the apt repository (or maybe it is part of 9.1) a package kio_svn, which is supposed to enable svn:// links in konqueror.
I guess it is for KDE 3.1, as its version number shows a date in June 2004.
But I can not find a newer version of this package. I even tried to look for it in 9.3, but it is not there as well.
Or, some nice GUI for Subversion? On their site they have a link to rapidsvn, but ... it is an year old, and I can not find rpms for 9.1 or 9.3.
Kdevelop has integrated svn support. -- Cristian Rodriguez. "for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $DVDs.z.zoy.org ; done | \ perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' | gunzip"
On 6/22/05, Cristian Rodriguez <judas.iscariote@gmail.com> wrote:
Kdevelop has integrated svn support.
-- Cristian Rodriguez. "for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $DVDs.z.zoy.org ; done | \ perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' | gunzip"
Thanks. A little inconvenient, as I'm using monodevelop, but ... I guess I can live with it. I'll give it a try. Cheers Sunny
Kdevelop has integrated svn support.
Thanks. A little inconvenient, as I'm using monodevelop, but ... I guess I can live with it. I'll give it a try.
Ummm why not try eSVN? There's an RPM build of it for 9.3 on Lenz Grimmer's webpage... Nice GUI... kinda sorta like a mix of TortiseSVN and LinCVS. The eSVN homepage is here: http://esvn.umputun.com/ and Lenz's page with the 9.3 RPM is here: http://lenz.homelinux.org/RPMs/9.3-i386/ You'll also need to install qt-non-mt off the DVD/CDs to meet the dependancy on libqt3.so.3 C.
Ummm why not try eSVN? There's an RPM build of it for 9.3 on Lenz Grimmer's webpage... Nice GUI... kinda sorta like a mix of TortiseSVN and LinCVS.
The eSVN homepage is here: http://esvn.umputun.com/
and Lenz's page with the 9.3 RPM is here: http://lenz.homelinux.org/RPMs/9.3-i386/
Ooops.. just noticed you are running 9.1... you can get a 9.1 RPM off the eSVN site: http://esvn.umputun.com/trac.cgi/wiki/stable C
On 6/22/05, Clayton <smaug42@gmail.com> wrote:
Kdevelop has integrated svn support.
Thanks. A little inconvenient, as I'm using monodevelop, but ... I guess I can live with it. I'll give it a try.
Ummm why not try eSVN? There's an RPM build of it for 9.3 on Lenz Grimmer's webpage... Nice GUI... kinda sorta like a mix of TortiseSVN and LinCVS.
The eSVN homepage is here: http://esvn.umputun.com/
and Lenz's page with the 9.3 RPM is here: http://lenz.homelinux.org/RPMs/9.3-i386/
You'll also need to install qt-non-mt off the DVD/CDs to meet the dependancy on libqt3.so.3
Thanks. I also have found 9.1 and 9.2 rpms here: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=15338 I haven't tried it yet, but looks promising. Still it'll be good if I find a way to make the konqueror integration to work. Cheers Sunny
Op woensdag 22 juni 2005 22:08, schreef Sunny:
But I can not find a newer version of this package. I even tried to look for it in 9.3, but it is not there as well.
It seems the file are now part of kdesdk3 ;) Install kdesdk3 and you'll have it back. -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless
Op woensdag 22 juni 2005 22:38, schreef Richard Bos:
But I can not find a newer version of this package. I even tried to look for it in 9.3, but it is not there as well.
It seems the file are now part of kdesdk3 ;) Install kdesdk3 and you'll have it back.
The easiest way to work this out it by installing the a kde svn file using apt: 'apt install /opt/kde3/lib/kde3/kio_svn.la' The correct package will be looked for you by apt ;) -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless
On 6/22/05, Richard Bos <radoeka@xs4all.nl> wrote:
Op woensdag 22 juni 2005 22:08, schreef Sunny:
But I can not find a newer version of this package. I even tried to look for it in 9.3, but it is not there as well.
It seems the file are now part of kdesdk3 ;) Install kdesdk3 and you'll have it back.
-- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless
Thanks Richard. Works like a charm both on 9.1. and 9.3 :) Cheers Sunny
participants (4)
Cristian Rodriguez
Richard Bos