system-wide default file handler? (e.g. use mplayer to open .avi format by default)
Hello. It is very difficult to support new users (especially Windows users). Perhaps all people on this list who supports users switched to SuSE from Windows should open a separate list to share experience. Here is another difficulty: There is only one way to stop user complaining 'the Most Important Application: "Windows Media Player" is missing', that is to automatically associate .wmv and .avi (coded using wmv codec) to be by default opened by mplayer. I can do this for one single user, but how do I do this for a LOT of users? Can I set system-wide configuration to let .avi .wmv file open by mplayer? (In my case, users use gnome). I cannot eliminate wmv files. They are everywhere around the earth. Anyone who release some media file must consider that only some people knows how to (and wish to) install quick time, so .mov is 'out'. Same for Xvid, rmvb... result: every time every website release .wmv files. A lot of user actually consider wmv to be the best format in this universe because it's used so widely, it must be the best. It's not useful to tell user to launch mplayer for wmv files. First, they will try to drap and drop media files to mplayer, which do not work because mplayer don't support drag&drop. Second, they will try to use 'open file' dialogue, if they are lucky enough not to be threaden by English (mplayer user interface is in English), they will find themselves opening a dialog box full of jargon (they can use Linux for months without understanding '/home' '/usr' jargon) and don't know how to open the wmv file because they don't know where it is. Then, they will probably find the wmv file, but cannot read it because Chinese ideographs in filename are displayed junk text in mplayer. Then, if they still don't walk away from Linux computers to Windows computers, they will file a complaint. The only way to support these users is to set system-wide configuration so that when they double-click wmv, mplayer launches and plays. I googled around and found a lot of answers on how to change file-right-click-context menu, but none of them are for administrators, most articles only talk about how to change it for the current user.
participants (1)
Zhang Weiwu