The first attempt vanished,
I'm trying to upgrade my old machine from 5.2 to 6.3.
I just put the CDrom back in and added a second HD.
When I tried to do the ugrade from .79 yast it said the CD was from another yast and to boot from the boot disk. I did that then setup the swap partitions.
It searched the disk and then started the update.
it ends with a red screen and a error message on VT3
Error Open Output File, detail: 0 File line 530 YAST Return Code 256 (errno = 4)
I had a similar error on another old machine yesterday. Both machines have small drives.
Machine 1 hda is 202 meg, hdb 420 meg 8 meg RAM, 486-33
Machine 2 hda is 202 meg, 12 meg RAM, 486-66
I've been told that the best approach would be to back up what I want to save and reinstall. In that case what would be the best partition scheme for a 202 and a 420 drive? I was thinking of swap and root on the 202, and /usr/opt and /home on a single partition on the 420. -- To unsubscribe send e-mail to For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the FAQ at
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