Greetings, I have a Lucent Agere modem in an AMD Sempron 2400+ system. I have installed the driver rpm from the SUSE9.1 discs, it on disc 5 slmodem.XXX.rpm When I querie the modem on /dev/ttyLT0 it responds, I then create a symbolic link to dev modem. I requerie it on dev modem and it responds. When I try dial it initializes the modem and the whole system hangs up while the modem tries to dial. Yet it doesn't even open the line. If I pickup the receiver while it claims its dialing I get a dial tone. Speaking of which I have also tried to disable detect dial tone. The funny thing is if I put the modem into a Intel machine also SUSE9.1 it works flawlessly. How would you suggest I start to trouble shoot this one? TIA Chadley

Op maandag 28 februari 2005 12:09, schreef Chadley Wilson:
How would you suggest I start to trouble shoot this one?
Perhaps; http://www.physcip.uni-stuttgart.de/heby/ltmodem/ -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless

On Monday 28 February 2005 06:09, Chadley Wilson wrote: <snip> Hi Chadley, Are you aware that this is a "winmodem?" These are cheap OEM-only resource hogs designed to off-load as much of the 'heavy lifting' as possible to the host cpu. That's why the "whole system hangs up" when it's trying to dial and there's a problem. They are also widely known for being difficult to impossible to get working correctly because so much depends on the mainboard design, the chipset used and the bios installed. You really are very lucky to have it behaving nicely in one system. FYI, there are websites devoted to this topic. Google "winmodem" to get a list of the best ones. And if you haven't seen this already, more info on Agere's "modem" chips can be found here: http://www.agere.com/entnet/modem_drivers.html : Good luck & regards, - Carl -- ____________________________________________________________________ C. E. Hartung Business Development & Support Services http://www.cehartung.com/ carlh@cehartung.com Dover Foxcroft, Maine, USA Public Keys 68396713 & F8207216 Reg. Linux User #350527 http://counter.li.org/
participants (3)
Carl E. Hartung
Chadley Wilson
Richard Bos